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Victoria Road Primary School

Inspiring a Love of Learning

Physical Education

PE Curriculum



Physical activity and Physical Education are a large part of our school life at Victoria Primary School. PE is an exciting, enjoyable and challenging subject which encompasses all of our school values. 


Our aim is that every child enjoys physical activity and understands how to lead a healthy life. That they become a confident mover with the skills, techniques and stamina to take part in a broad range of physical activities and games. Our curriculum is designed so that in the Early Years and KS1 our focus is predominantly upon developing fundamental movement skills through dance, gym and mini games. In KS2 dance and gym continue, games lessons become increasingly orientated to ‘traditional sports’ and swimming lessons and Outdoor Adventurous Activity are introduced. . 


Children are encouraged to be physically active throughout the day with break times organised to enhance physical activity. An award is given to the most active class each week and we fully encourage green travel to and from school. PE lessons provide opportunities for leadership development and all pupils are encouraged to play games and take part in sports with honesty and fairness. After school clubs are varied to ensure that we maximise attendance and include everyone. Regular ‘Healthy Schools Days’ develop an understanding of how to be healthy for life through food, fitness and well-being. Competing is an exciting element of PE from being inspired by visiting athletes to finding out about and celebrating international sporting events e.g. Olympic Games. OAA is challenging and demands many skills of our pupils notably courage, be that through school lessons or our off site trips and residential stays.  Putting on the school sports kits and attending a competitive event with other schools is a great opportunity for developing respect and teamwork skills. We take part in many tournaments and festivals and aim to ensure that every child, during their time with us, has the opportunity to represent the school at such an event.




We chose Rising Stars as the scheme of work for our pupils as it had clear progression, starting with the younger pupils developing and refining their fundamental movement skills working up to complex, creative movement sequences and competitive games. The dance units are creative and motivating for all pupils, especially boxercise. In addition to this there is a fitness strand that runs through every year group to develop strength, stamina, suppleness and speed. This was particularly important to our school as strength and stamina were often found to be lacking in our pupils at competitive events. Rising Stars places the child at the centre of their own learning, in the attempt to engage, support and motivate pupils to become competent, confident, creative and reflective movers. Across the scheme there are consistent opportunities for revisiting skills and past concepts, being creative, working individually and with others along with competing against oneself and others. 

School Games Award 2022-23

Whole School Overview of PE

Try a local sports club.....

Term 1 - Healthy Schools Week

Term 1 Events
