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Victoria Road Primary School

Inspiring a Love of Learning

After School Club

Byrne Buddies 


Extended After School Club known as 'Byrne Buddies' runs every day between 3.15pm-5.45pm. 

The Club is run by Mrs Boxall, Mrs Pariyar and Mrs Sampson


Cost for this club is payable in advance to secure your child's place. A place can be booked and paid for via the School Gateway App. 



Length of time used


From 3.15-3.45pm

£3.00 per child

From 3.15-4.15pm

£5.00 per child

From 3.15-5.45pm

£10.00 per child


Children that are staying after 4:15pm will receive a light tea (e.g toasted sandwich, egg on toast).


If you would like your child to attend, please complete the Registration form and return to the school.



After School Club Registration Form
