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Victoria Road Primary School

Inspiring a Love of Learning

Class 6 - Owl Class

Class Teacher:    Mrs Hayward, Mrs Stanley (Monday - Thursday) and Mr Sampson 


Well what an exciting first week back! Well done to all the children, they have been amazing. Please find the homework, newsletter and timetable below for term 1. 

If you have any questions please ask one of the year 6 team. We are always happy to help. 

In Owls class we have made podcasts about why World War II started. Please take a listen.

Visit to the Battle of Britain Memorial

Freya, Annabel, Georgina

Eric, Nirdesh, Ethan

Harry, Zack, Reggie

Chase, Subbu, Caven

Charlie, Ava, Noah

Bailey, Gorden, Elmaz
