Computing Curriculum
At Victoria Road we feel computing and technology are a fundamental part of the childrens’ lives and is an ever growing presence in their education. We want our children to become ‘thinkers for the future’ with a modern, ambitious and relevant education in computing and for them to leave us with the confidence and skills to embrace technology in their secondary education and beyond, in this ever changing technological world.
We aim to ensure that our computing lessons deliver a fun, engaging and practical approach to many of the technological aspects that are spread throughout our daily lives from communication, developing ideas with graphics or videos, word processing and many more.
We aim to ensure that all our pupils:
- have experience and confidence in a range of programs and systems to be ready for their lives in secondary school and beyond
- have the confidence and understanding to independently transfer their knowledge to support their learning in other subjects, by offering a broad and deep curriculum alongside opportunities to apply skills in various digital contexts
- have opportunities to access and develop their everyday ICT skills such as word processing and emails to support their confidence in these areas
- are equipped to use computational thinking and creativity that will enable them to become active participants in the digital world
- feel confident in both using technology and programming and to feel able to adapt and be flexible with their skills in the ever changing technological world
- recognise the risks associated with technology online and understand how to keep themselves safe when using these platforms, being respectful, responsible and confident users of technology, aware of measures that can be taken to keep themselves and others safe online.
Implementation and Impact
Our computing curriculum uses the scheme of work for ‘Teach Computing’ Curriculum and covers all aspects of the National Curriculum. This has been chosen as it is designed and created by subject experts within the teaching profession and based on the latest pedagogical research. It has a clear sequence of learning, with small steps and everything needed to support teachers in delivering an effective, sequenced curriculum. It follows a cycle of learning to ensure programs and skills are revisited each year.
We deliver a curriculum that leads to children who are able to think logically, construct algorithmic instructions, have an awareness of their impact on the online community and how they are able to stay safe within this. We also use technology such as cameras and audio equipment to capture, view and edit as well as be able to confidently use a range of computer software and hardware that will allow them to carry out vital tasks that they will likely need to adopt within their future daily lives.
Through our weekly lessons we encourage working collaboratively, using paired programming and peer instruction, along with structured group tasks. Working together stimulates classroom dialogue, talking through concepts, and developing shared understanding
Our teaching staff model all types of practices including debugging code to binary number conversions. This is done by using techniques such as worked examples and live coding. Our curriculum allows us to teach new concepts by first unpacking complex terms and ideas, exploring these ideas in unplugged and familiar contexts, then repacking this new understanding into the original concept. This approach (semantic waves) can help pupils develop a secure understanding of complex concepts.
We are able to provide a variety of activities with different levels of support to keep children engaged and working more independently. By using different methods of assessment (simple quizzes, group discussions and concept maps) we are able to challenge any misconceptions and identify areas that need improvement.
Internet safety is a separate focus at the beginning of each year in the first week back and then embed it through age appropriate discussions and weekly lessons with constant reminders plus additional lessons and focus in internet safety week.
All year groups have weekly lessons and focus on the curriculum coverage and use mainly chrome books to access their programmes although they have access to ipads and a range of programming and digital devices. Not all computing lessons involve the use of ICT equipment as some of the focus is on the learning behind the system or technology before this learning is taken to an ICT programme.
The skills are taught throughout the year and build on previous learning and work towards a final product or production.
Children are assessed in their weekly lessons against the national curriculum targets. Evidence is kept, in the form of e-books, for five focus children to show a range of skills developed, coverage and ability.
We try to find a range of circumstances to apply ICT skills within the curriculum to apply skills and knowledge. This ranges from research, digimaps, presentations, recording and editing learning from the curriculum.
Computing Whole School Subject Overview
Year 5- Physical Programming, Working with Circuits
Squirrel's Class using Beebots

Year 1 - Typing letters and changing fonts.
Year 2 - Making music on the Ipads.
Year 3 - Animation


Year 3 - Animation