Victoria Road Primary School is committed to the continuous raising of achievement of all our pupils. Regular attendance is critical if our pupils are to be successful and benefit from the opportunities presented to them.
We are committed to meeting our obligation with regards to school attendance through our whole-school culture and ethos that values good attendance.
One of our basic principles is to celebrate success. Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience. We actively promote 100% attendance for all our pupils and we use a variety of weekly, termly and annual awards to promote good attendance and punctuality.
Leave of absence in term time
There are 13 weeks available to use when the school is closed, for going on holiday etc. We do not want you to take your child out of school during term time. Time off school for family holidays, special events and outings is not a right.
The Headteacher cannot authorise leave of absence during term time. Leave taken in term time will adversely affect your child's academic progress and their attendance record.
Amendments to The Education (Pupil Registration)(England) Regulations 2006 make clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The Headteacher can authorise leave in exceptional circumstances
If you do take your child out of school during term time for a holiday, you may be liable for a fine from the KCC.